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Snow Days Delay

Unfortunately, I have not been able to go to the grocery store much, and when I did I spoiled myself to a few more honeycrisps. Well, I just realized the only review for a honeycrisp apple was the batch of pickle tasting ones. So, since it is normally such a fine specimen I have decided to review them for a second time based off of all the ones I ate over the last two weeks. I have got to say, all of them were superb. The crispness and refreshing taste were at a peak and I am glad to say that honeycrisps did not disappoint by any means. I have to give all of them a 10/10. Could not recommend them more to those who enjoy crispy apples. I'm still curious about how the Cosmic Crisp (coming to stores Fall 2019) that I wrote about in an earlier post will measure up.

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