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Current State of our Apple Harvest

Apple harvests across the country are taking a tremendous beating as their ideal growing climate is going through extreme weather...

Apple Jokes

Q: If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what does an onion do? A: Keeps everyone away Q:How do you make an apple turnover? A: You...

New apple on the block (coming 2019)

Currently planned to be released for mass growing and cultivation next year the Cosmic Crisp apple is going to be one for the history...

An Apple a Day. . .

Apples are an extremely nutritious snack providing your body with vital antioxidants and fibers that keep you healthy and energized. In...

Ap-PEEL-ing Apples

While there are many apples I hope to try soon here are some on the top of my list: 1. Aurora Golden Gala 2. Aurora/Southern Rose 3....

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