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Sister's Supreme Spread

One of my sister's christmas gifts to the family was a jar of apple spread. It was very good although she was a little misleading in her...

It's Lady's Night

Well, ever since I created this blog I receive feedback saying I should try a Pink Lady Apple. While I had already tried them in the past...

“This Year, to Save Me from Tears”

This holiday break I had to stay in a hotel in Charlotte where I took two of their apples in the lobby. Unfortunately they only had one...

Big Juicy Jazz

Today with my lunch I had the privilege of trying a Jazz apple. The overall texture of the Jazz is right up there with the Honeycrisp,...

Summer Cider

While at the USDA-APHIS' AgDiscovery program this summer we got to go to the farmers market for an afternoon. Growing up in a family...

Snow Days Delay

Unfortunately, I have not been able to go to the grocery store much, and when I did I spoiled myself to a few more honeycrisps. Well, I...

Ambrosia, Another Apple Analysis

Today I had with my lunch another new apple. If you like the taste of Golden Delicious apples but hate the mushy texture of them? If so...

Thanksgiving Snack

The second apple I tried was the Macoun. It was good and crunchy, however the taste wasn't quite what I had in mind. It seemed kind of...

Thanksgiving Treats

I tried 2 new apples over the course of Thanksgiving break(one in the form of a pie). I tried the McIntosh Apple in a pie, and the...

Apple Jokes

Q: If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what does an onion do? A: Keeps everyone away Q:How do you make an apple turnover? A: You...

The Taste Without Haste

I want to start out by apologizing for not posting much recently. Those of you who know me know I have been really busy applying to...

Honey Crisp Review

Had a Honey Crisp apple before the marching band competition yesterday and I reaffirm my unconditional love of them. They are so good I...

New apple on the block (coming 2019)

Currently planned to be released for mass growing and cultivation next year the Cosmic Crisp apple is going to be one for the history...

An Apple a Day. . .

Apples are an extremely nutritious snack providing your body with vital antioxidants and fibers that keep you healthy and energized. In...

Ap-PEEL-ing Apples

While there are many apples I hope to try soon here are some on the top of my list: 1. Aurora Golden Gala 2. Aurora/Southern Rose 3....

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